Two Princes and a Punch to the Gut
July 25, 2023

Most clients hope for a quick answer, e.g., “Please look at this and tell me whether it’s fair use or not.” Clients are hoping for a gut reaction, rather than hours of a lawyer’s billable time. Of course, it’s never that easy to predict a lawsuit’s outcome. Fair use is analyzed on a case-by-case basis … Continue reading Two Princes and a Punch to the Gut
Too Busy To Brag®
July 25, 2023

On August 1, I will be a guest on “FinerWorks” YouTube Channel speaking about the importance of copyrights, gallery contracts, and an overview of fair use. FinerWorks is one of the nation’s leading art reproduction and photo printing houses serving both artists and professional fine art photographers. JOIN ME ON THE AUGUST 1 stream, 6:30pm! … Continue reading Too Busy To Brag®
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